Friday 30 November 2007

Loose Weight, Look Great, Feel Great, Get Your Self-esteem As High As You want

Hi everyone my name is Jerry and I will show you how to get in great shape and stay looking great in no time and stay like that for ever.

How many times did you heard that a lot of people has a big problem with diets? I bet a lot of times. So why is so hard for some people to stick with the diet and keep on track on they well being?

Lets find out right now right here.

First and foremost the name DIET itself scares people, but that is the truth and we can't fight that. Just thing about it, you have friends and your friends has friends too and I would say 80% of those friends one way or another told you that he/she is on the diet right now or he/she was on the diet and they feel/felt really bad. Has ho energy, feel weak, hungry all the time, and cant wait till the next meal. Am I right so far? I bet I am.

In a lot of cases people trying to go to extreme, if they don't know better they would cut all the carbohydrates out of they meals, cut they fats out too. But what is the reason for that? Let's see again. You cut your carbohydrates to loose fat right, and you cut your fat intake for the same reason, am I right again. In normal person mind I would say right thing to do. But now lets open the eyes to the reality of what they did to they body.

By cutting fats and carbohydrates you shocking your body to extreme. You cutting all supplies of your energy. Your body starting feeding on your own body fat, sounds like a plan, BUT THAT IS THE BIGGEST MISTAKE. Yes it does work really good, but how long you can last this way? How long your body will be happy and healthy? How long your brain will last with no brain food? And how much time you think you will last with all those cravings you body has? I bet you not too long. Because we are humans and we can see we can smell and we definitely can think about that food our body was used to eat. So another question come to mind, what going to happen when your body and mind will loose the battle of this war between you and food? Ok let me translate that to you then.

You will going to eat everything you want and as much as you want, because you body going to be so hungry and so empty from being punished for all this time. You will gain all that weight back in the few day period. And yes you were dieting for much longer time, and to gain that weight back takes only and only few days. So now what's your next step? Are going back on the diet and will try to punish your body again, or you will try to find a new way to loose weight?

So for you its harder and harder to do that each time when diet not working for you how it supposed to work.

The most important thing is that man and women are so different. The same foods and diets never EVER going to work the same way. Maybe very first week or month but after that you will see the difference in your look and I do mean that. Men really don't have that much problem with skin, when your skin getting dry, men not growing long finger nails or very long hair. Like women on the other hand can see that skin getting very dry, they already using lotions to moisturize they skin. Using products to make they finger nails harder, using products to make they hair shinier.
So you need to find somebody who does know how all different diets and food would work for you and ONLY for you. We can't make mistakes like that. We can't afford to start things all over when you already invested your time and money to look great.

Just thing about it. Now I will give you an example of some people doing it for right reasons but in very wrong way. Lets say you are model and your income depends on how you look, or you want to be a model and you want to make your living in the fashion business or being fitness model or sexy lingerie model, you want to be in the magazines on the covers and so on. And lets say you started using diet someone gave it you because you know it worked for her/him. You do believe in that diet because it did worked for her/him and you did see the results you want to have too. But does that person told you all the things about that diet? Like how he/she felt on when they were using that diet, did hers/his skin, hair, nails looked good, did they felt great, full of energy, not being sleepy, with no hunger, did they looked as good then they stopped that diet? So many question I could ask about just one diet. I know that is crazy when in comes to one simple word "DIET".

This is why I have been studying diets, weight lifting even competitive bodybuilding for more then 18 years. And trust me when I say that I did tried all the diets in the world on my own body just to see how people feel and how they look then they starting different diets. I know that was foolish thing to do, but how would I know myself how people feel if I never tried that myself? Exactly you can't because you never EVER tried that yourself.

I do have a lot of secrets to share, lots and lots of experience in this field. Had not one and two people getting ready for the bodybuilding and figure competitions in that period of time. Starting with teens and finishing with over 60 years old clients. Who actually did the bodybuilding shows and still doing it every year. I thing that is great accomplishment.

Please stay with me and read what I have to say or even ask me the question you want to ask. I am here to help and to help only no other way around.

And I will talk to you soon.


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